Split Solid by DTM Dialog

Split a volume using an open surface

Split Solid by DTM

To access this dialog:

  • Structure ribbon | Operations | DTMs | Split by DTM

  • Run the command wireframe-split-by-surface

  • Use the quick command wspd

Splits a closed wireframe - a 'solid' -  or a selection of triangles representing a solid by a DTM (or selected triangles of a DTM). You may choose to keep the solid above the DTM data or the solid below it.

If the solid data was a closed wireframe and had a clean line of intersection with the DTM, the new object will also be a closed solid.

The Solid must represent a closed surface.

You can output either to the current object, another object or a new object.

Runs the wireframe-split-by-surface command.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Field Details:

This dialog contains the following fields:

Solid: either select a wireframe object representing a fully-closed volume, or interactively pick triangle data in one or more wireframe objects in the 3D window (Selected triangles) and use Store current selection to commit it to the command.

DTM: select an open surface that fully-intersects the Solid. This cannot be a partial intersection. As above, you can choose either a full surface object or Selected triangles.

Keep Solid above/below DTM: choose if you wish to generate a volume that is below or above the selected DTM surface.

Output: you can output data either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

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